Protect my trademark

Trademarks are signs that can be used to distinguish between products or services of companies. A brand is not just a logo, name or symbol; It represents your company's identity and reputation. A powerful brand can not only increase recognizability, but also increase the value of your company. Are you planning to exploit a brand name or logo and want exclusivity? We are happy to help you with the registration.

What are trademarks?

Trademarks are signs that can be used to distinguish competing products or services from each other. The most common trademarks are word marks and figurative marks (logos). But it is also possible, under certain conditions, to protect slogans, shapes and colors. Multimedia, such as sound, a video, a hologram or certain movements can also be registered as trademarks.


When is it advisable to register a trademark?

If you intend to exploit a trademark within 5 years, a trademark registration is recommended. One of the main reasons for registering a trademark is to obtain exclusivity. This allows you to prevent someone else from using your brand name or logo without permission. Of course, it is also permitted to grant third parties permission to use your trademark under certain conditions, for example in return for payment of royalties. Have such conditions recorded in a trademark licensing contract.


What are the conditions of a trademark registration?

A brand should not be descriptive of the type of product or service you sell. So the name 'Apple' can't be protected for apples, but it can be protected for computers. Furthermore, for certain classes of products or services a trademark must be applied for. A trademark registration can be renewed every 10 years. The scope of the protection revolves around the likelihood of confusion and therefore goes beyond the exact use of a brand name or logo.


How much does a trademark registration cost?

The cost of a trademark registration depends on various factors such as preliminary research, territory, number of products or service classes. If these factors are clear, we can make a calculation and quotation for you without obligation. Please feel free to contact us for more information.


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